Wednesday, December 31, 2008
Happy New Year!

Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I thought about it and there are actual Eve's I do enjoy, so here they are:
- the obvs, Christmas Eve (yay! love it)
- Michelangelo's 'The Creation of Eve
- Eve, as in Adam's Eve
- Eve my boss's black dog, who was born on Christmas Eve, hence the name. She's so cute.
- Eve, the rapper (Let Me Blow Ya Mind) and actress, who appeared in the critically acclaimed film 'Barbershop' of which I have not seen and am not sure if it was even critically acclaimed
- Eves of Destruction, Canada's premier roller derby league, hittin chicks since 2006!
- Eve Plumb, a.k.a. Jan Brady who famously said 'Marcia Marcia Marcia!'
- The movie "All About Eve"
- Eve Alda (not famous, just daughter of Alan)
- Eve Arden
- All Hallows Eve
- Midsummer's Night Eve
- Eve Cycles in Bermuda
I am sure there are more Eve's. I wanted to throw in Evelyn, of Crabtree & Evelyn fame, but the 'lyn' at the end of 'eve' made me feel weird about it.
Monday, December 29, 2008
Christmas Festivities
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
Taking a vakay from TWATJ
Anyway, I have too much to do this week, so prob won't be able to blog till.......drum roll please......Friday *GASP*. Please try to contain yourselves, I'll be back as soon as possible, if not Friday. These are things I have to do to prepare for the baby Jesus' Bday....
- Last minute gifts....not forgotten, just last minute things I thought of at the last minute that would be fun to give. Last minute. Just wanted to say it again.....
- Clean house
- Wrap last minute (ONE MO TIME!) gifts
- Stuff stockings
- Prepare dining table for Christmas Eve guests
- Grocery Shop
- Pick up present for boyfriend that JUST was finished today, WHEW that was a close one
- Buy floral arrangement for dining table
- Set up buffet table
- Select wardrobe ideas for festivities
- Buy champies and wine
- Snoop under tree for presents for me. As of 12/23 at 4:52 pm there were none, so that's pretty awesome....
- Pick up ham at HoneyBaked Ham store
- Bake Scalloped Potatotes
- Make Green Bean dish with toasted hazelnuts
- Make dessert for Christmas Eve
Holy Crap I have so much to do.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Death Wish

Friday, December 19, 2008
The Duggars Welcome Baby #180....

I don't know if I am embarassed to admit it, but I catch their show on TLC when I can.
Thursday, December 18, 2008
Henry the Ninth?

Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Barney's White House Page
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Don't look at the fat ass losers or freaks!!!
I absolutely love the movie 'Best In Show' and I love Parker Posey more....everything she is in pretty much rocks. I have decided to blog about her on occasion because she is so hilarious. My good friend Howard will be so psyched!
Monday, December 15, 2008
The Presidents Dodges Questions. And Shoes.
I wonder if President Bush has to participate in exercises that require him to react quickly, because even though the shoe-throwers aim was excellent, W's reflexes were even better. The shoe-assailant yelled "this is a farewell kiss, you dog!" in his native tongue and proceeded to hurl his shoes at George's head. The Secret Service apparantely had the afternoon off, as noone came running to W's aid. Noone at all, as a matter of fact. He should've brought his Scottie, Barney, who hates reporters and would've gone for this guys jugular. But Barney was still in D.C. filming his last White House Christmas Movie.
My favorite part of this is when President Bush says "All I can say is that it was a Size 10!". I am sorry, but the guy is hilarious...
Friday, December 12, 2008
Tuesday, December 9, 2008
It's The Most Wonderful Time of the Year

What they didn’t know was that one month earlier, five friends were hanging out at The Sevens bar on Charles Street, as they did every Thursday. Bored with their weekly routine, they tried to think of something ridiculous to do for a laugh. After settling on Newbury Street and Speedos, they set out to recruit what they expected to be about 20 runners.
However, when they showed up at The Sevens that fateful Saturday afternoon, they found it was still just the five of them, frightened and so alone. Realizing what they were about to do, they settled into the bar to “summon up the courage” to carry out the plan.
At 2:20 pm, the five men, now down to their Speedos, hopped out of their friend’s car in front of the Four Seasons, slung a boombox playing The Muppets Christmas Carols over their arm, and began to run.
They didn’t know what to expect from their holiday stunt, but none could have predicted the overwhelmingly positive response they received. And when they finished, they knew they were on to something good. It became clear to them that they could leverage the enthusiasm from the event for a good cause. Thus, the Santa Speed Run was born.
In the years since that first run, the number of runners has increased exponentially from the original five to the over 400 men and women that ran in 2007.
Over the past 8 years, the run has raised over $240,000 for various charities including:
Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research
Children’s AIDS Program at Boston Medical Center
Children’s Hospital Boston
The Ellie Fund
Eliot Community Human Services
The Women's Lunch Place
Thursday, December 4, 2008
Here's To Being Nice....

Back at the spa, the ladies are having the following:
$5o brow shaping,
**I go to a place in Beacon Hill and can get a mani/pedi for $35, thank you very much.
Lauri leaves early for a family obligation, and a makeup-less Tamra and Gretch are getting two hundy dolla pedicures. Enter Dwight from the Real Housewives of the ATL giving his 'dreadul' face towards Tamra's choice of nail color, red with white polka dots. Well no he didn't, but I wish he did. The girls talk about kids, Gretch wants four kids, and then misses Jeff so she calls him to demand he tell her what he ate today. He whimpers 'french toast' and she says 'okay, BYEEEEEEEEEEE!' She feels bad. He’s so weak and sick and she feels so bad, that’s why she is at the spa, to decompress.
Suddenly we are in Briana’s room, where Vicki enters and sings soothingly and quietly “weeee’rrrre ggggooinggg ttttooooo mexxxxxxxx-icooooooo”, not like last year’s screeching twenty times “WE’REGOINGTOMEXICO!!!” as if it were all one word. Michael just got back from Costa Rica and is thinking about bailing on Mexico. Brianna’s been throwing up all night and now she doesn’t want to go. Vicki is pissed and doesn’t want to be embarrassed….she forces her kids to go get ready and drops a couple of F bombs in the process. She seeks comfort in her pug, the only of her family members that loves her, and the pug abruptly gags in her face. Hilarious. Briana needs pepto.
Tuesday, December 2, 2008
Botox, Boobies & Black Amex Cards

Monday, December 1, 2008
The Patriots Buckle Just Like Tom's Knee

Aaaaaaaaaaaaand SCENE.
Happy 75th!

A special toast to the drink was planned in Times Square today.
The drink is made with vodka, tomato juice and a splash of Tabasco or Worcestershire sauce. It is believed to have been created in New York City by a French bartender in 1933. In the 1960s it became popular to serve it with a celery stick. Bars all around New York City plan to give out Bloody Marys throughout the area, and some restaurants will be rolling back the price of the cocktail what it was in 1933. I wish I lived in NY right at this very moment.....