Friday, November 13, 2009

Something To Think About

Yes yes yes I have been delinquent. Working on that, I swear. But to get back on that blogging horse, I have this to share with you:

The other day I was talking to my co-worker who is from Nepal. She was telling me of her visit home and how wonderful it was, the weather, seeing her Mom and Dad, the food, shopping, friends, etc. etc. So I asked her about Everest, natch. She has never attempted a climb to any of the base camps let alone the summit itself, and when I asked her how tall it was, she said:

29,029 ft

And I thought, isn't that the cruising altitude of most planes??? And I pictured the summit of Evs and then I pictured a plane way up high in the sky when it's know, when it's so teeny weeny way up there?!? Well, that's how freakin' high Everest is.

Plane at cruising altitude, generally 30,000 ft

Mount Everest, summit at 29,029 ft