It is both safe and very fair of me to say that August has been the worst month in the creation of all months for me. I got into my nasty go-cart accident and then had to have surgery to remove the gorgeous skin cancer that has been brewing on my face for several years. What I thought would be a relatively easy procedure ended up being a NIGHTMARE. What I had was MOHS Surgery. It was a lengthy procedure which required 20 shots of local anesthetic in my face and lots of patience. The first two hours the cancer surgeon removed my tumor, and the last two and a half hours the plastic surgeon came in and repaired all the damage the cancer surgeon did.
Please, PLEASE, if you see a spot that you question, go to the Dermatologist IMMEDIATELY. Wear sunscreen. SPF 50 and reapply it every 2 hours otherwise it's as if you're not wearing any protection at all. I waited years upon years to have my 'tumor' looked at. I thought it was a mole. At this time I would like to thank the handful of doctors in the past 8 years who looked at it and said "It's nothing." You can all go to hell, seriously. Because had I had this done years ago, I wouldn't have had to go through the nasty surgery.
Me, Post-Op. 30 stitches. Tremendous swelling, not to mention the amount of pain I endured. It felt like I was being stabbed by a scalding hot steak knife for several hours after the operation, and Vicodin didn't help even though I took quite a few of them. My liver is probably in distress because of the amount I took that day but I digress.....
Three Days after Surgery. The swelling has gone down considerably but I am still totally Les Mis (my saying for MISERABLE).
I will keep you posted! More photos to follow, to show you the progress my face is making. I look like the bride of Frankenstein, but I hope not forever.
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