Thursday, April 30, 2009
A Mystery Fit for Nancy Drew

Monday, April 27, 2009
With an Oink Oink Here, and a Sneeze Sneeze There!
A single sneeze propels 100,000 droplets into the air at around 90 mph, landing on door knobs, ATM keypads, elevator buttons, escalator railings, and grocery cart handles. In a subway station at rush hour, according to British researchers, as many as 10 percent of all commuters can come in contact with the spray and residue from just one sneeze (or sternutation). That means as many as 150 commuters can be sickened by one uncovered achoo.
So, what can you do to protect yourself? It's simple:
1. Sanitize -- i.e. Wash Your Hands Frequently.
80 percent of all infections are spread by hands. So everytime you touch ANYTHING wash your hand. Or use hand sanitizer. Don't shake hands. With anyone. Who cares if they think you are rude.
2. Avoid -- i.e. Engage in "Social Distancing."
That means, stay at home. If you are forced to go to a crowded public place, you are supposed to distance yourself by 6' from others.
You know.......it's too bad, because my office is very crowded and I have to come here in order to maintain my lifestyle. Every day. So in order to survive, I have to come to a crowded place, which in the end could potentially kill me. Super.
3. Be Alert -- i.e. Recognize the Symptoms and Get Help.
Swine flu symptoms are similar to regular flu: Fever, body aches, sore throat, cough, runny nose, vomiting, diarrhea, and lethargy.
FYI I am lethargic at 2:00 everyday, Mondays through Fridays. Swine Flu.
To summarize:
Wash your hands. Don't go to work. Go immediately to the hospital at the first sign of anything, good or bad. Do you have the shivers because it's chilly in your diseased office building? It's swine flu. Did you eat too much at lunch and are uncomfortably full? Swine flu. Did someone look at you from the other side of the street that appeared to have possibly had a stuffed nose? Swine flu, go to the hospital ASAP.
Sometimes I like sensationalized stories. But not this one. I feel sick as I write this....
Thank You For Being A Friend

Bea was trained for the stage, but rose to stardom in her role as Maude Finley on "Maude" and of course as Dorothy Petrillo Zbornak on "Golden Girls", the devoted daughter to our favorite feisty Sicilian, Sophia Petrillo. In addition to being an Emmy & Tony Award winner, an avid supporter of PETA and an enormous opponent and activist against foie gras, she was downright hilarious. I have done some research and selected some fave lines from the show, to make you laugh.
Rose: I've been on the phone for a half hour and you'll never guess what happened.
Dorothy: You realized you forgot to dial first.
Rose: No.
Blanche: You were holding the receiver the wrong way.
Rose: No.
Dorothy: You were talking into the TV remote instead of the phone.
Rose: No.
Blanche: A shoe?
Rose: No, I'm not an idiot. - The TV has a remote?
Blanche: I can't believe you said that! Oh if I weren't a lady I'd deck you.
Dorothy: You try and I'll have you on your back so fast you'll think you're out on a date.
Dorothy: The woman keeps a chicken in her home, how normal can she be?
Rose: I kept a chicken in my home.
Dorothy: You see my point?
Blanche: I do love the rain so. It reminds me of my first kiss.
Dorothy: Ah, you're first kiss was in the rain?
Blanche: No it was in the shower.
Dorothy: You'll have to excuse my mother. She suffered a slight stroke a few years ago which rendered her totally annoying.
[Sophia wants a new TV, but Dorothy plans to use the money to pave the driveway over]
Sophia: And what will I do when every other old lady on the block is watching The Cosby Show?
Dorothy: Well, ma, I guess you can sit on the new driveway and hope an amusing black family comes along.
Rose: Charlie once had a business partner who was also a lying, cheating, evil, slimy human being!
Dorothy: Wait, Rose, let me guess. Hans Zinglefruberdanshoodlegadenhinkelmeier?
Rose: Yup! That's the louse!
Ahhhh, that show was awesome......now, 'Dorothy and Sophia' are together, in that lanai in the sky......Rest In Peace!
Friday, April 24, 2009

- The duodenum (from Latin duodecim, "twelve") is the first part of the small intestine that is about twelve inches long. More precisely, this section of the intestine was measured not in inches but in fingerwidths. In fact, in German the name of the duodenum is Zwölffingerdarm, meaning "twelve-finger bowel." GROSS!
- There are 12 Days of Christmas. (There are 31 days of Johannakah, FYI, starts October 1 and ends October 31....totally unrelated, just a friendly reminder)
- There are 12 Months in a Year
- The Seattle Seahawks do not allow their players to be #12 on their jerseys, as they reserve #12 for their fans in the stands, as if to say, their supporters are part of the team. I think that's cute.
- A jury for felony trials consists of 12 people. There are also 12 years in a felony sentence.
- Mr. Gisele Bundchen is #12 for the NE Patriots (see his ever so attractive before-he-was-famous photo above. What a nneerrddd)
- Jed Lowrie is #12 for the Red Sox.
- Branimir Bunjac has written an entire book about the mysteries surrounding the #12. He is totally obsessed with this number. See his website here: http://number12secret.com/portal/
- There must be at least 12 sentences in order for a paragraph to fit the criteria of being an actual paragraph.
- A dozen = 12
- Jesus Christ surrounded himself with 12 of his homies. Except they were called 'Disciples'.
- The #12 appears more often in the Harry Potter books than any other number. JK Rowling also uses the word 'dozen' hundreds of times.
There you go! Welcome #12!!
Thursday, April 23, 2009
At Least This Guy Doesn't Have To Wait In Line
This is the roller coaster he will be riding for 18 glorious hours. It's called 'The Serpent'.

....I actually anticipated someone who looked more like this guy......

.....or course it would've been totally awesome if he were a Tibetan Monk. They love roller coasters, apparantely.

And let's all keep our fingers crossed that what happened to Fabio on a Busch Gardens roller coaster doesn't happen to Cameron. BIRD STRIKE!

"I've already ridden this one for one or two laps in a few test runs. It's a two-minute ride, so one train takes its turn while the other loads. I'll get some brief breaks.
"We're supposed to have really good weather on Friday, so I'll bring along lots of sunscreen."
In case you were wondering, and you and I both know you absolutely positively were, a portable toilet nearby will give Brady a place to swiftly take care of personal business. Like barfing and other things......
To encourage donations, organizers will offer incentives:
• Pledges of $50 will garner a ride with Brady, plus one ticket to return and ride the coaster again.
• Those pledging $100 get to ride during the marathon and receive a T-shirt and a ticket for a later ride.
• Pledges of $200 get all of the above, plus a ticket to a lock-in party from midnight Friday to 5 a.m. Saturday at Kokomo's. The event includes coaster rides, mini-golf, laser tag, plus free pizza and soft drinks.
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
My Blog Has Accumulated Cobwebs......

Saturday, April 18, 2009
Grey Gardens! Adventures in Costumes!

I had never really heard of 'The Edies' until recently, when excitement over the movie Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange made for HBO started it's promotions and sparked my curiosity. So I wikipedia'd the Edie Beales, and then much to my happiness I found the original documentary (all 10 parts!) on youtube! Now, picture me jumping around my house with joy over this.....because these bitchessss issssss KA-RAZAAAAYYYYY!!!! And they are Jacqueline Kennedy's cousin and aunt respectively!! BLACK SHEEP! I love them, you'll see why, you kind of can't help it.
In this episode we are offered an inside look at their lives, including: an interesting explanation about Little Edie's 'costume' choice, discussion of a possible vegetable garden due to the cost of food, Mother Beale threatens to get naked and Little Edie expresses her fear in this possibility, they define their inability to wear girdles as a personal choice, and Little Edie announces she has to find a Libra husband.
Here is the link to Grey Gardens documentary Part 1.
Friday, April 17, 2009
I'm Scared

Susan Boyle: Why She Moves Us
I'm one of the millions of millions worldwide who have fallen in love with Susan Boyle. I read an interesting blog today that lent two very interesting explanations as to why (besides her angelic voice) she has captivated us so.
From Rev. James Martin, a Jesuit Priest:
"The way we see Susan Boyle is very nearly the way God sees us: worthwhile, special, talented, unique, beautiful. The world generally looks askance at people like Susan Boyle, if it sees them at all. Without classic good looks, without work, without a spouse, living in a small town, people like Susan Boyle may not seem particularly 'important.' But God sees the real person, and understands the value of each individual's gifts: rich or poor, young or old, single or married, matron or movie star, lucky or unlucky in life. God knows us. And loves us. 'Everybody is somebody' said Archbishop Timothy M. Dolan at his installation Mass in New York City yesterday. That's another reason why the judges smile and the audience explodes in applause. Because they recognized a basic truth planted deep within them by God: Susan Boyle is somebody. Everybody is somebody."
And from another blogger:
"Susan Boyle has reminded us of something we’ve forgotten for too long. Hypnotised by Madison Avenue and Hollywood and the culture of youth, we’ve forgotten that the things they offer to us as 'the norm' are ideals, and mostly fake ones. In embracing those fake ideals (how much money was spent last year in cosmetic surgeries and teeth-whitening?) we’ve forgotten that beyond all of those superficialities, we each have within us something of much greater value than perky breasts and unlined skin: the divine spark, the God-kiss, that lives in each and every one of us - no exceptions."
Thursday, April 16, 2009
Chon mot mau sac!

Wednesday, April 15, 2009
So Annoying

- Public Transportation, specifically the strangers who ride it with you and read what you're reading over your shoulder
- Pap Smears
- House Cleaning, mostly including but not limited to toilet cleaning
- Shovelling snow
- Paper Cuts
- Traffic Jams
- Jury Duty
- Conspiracy Theories (i.e. HM The Queen did NOT kill Princess Diana)
- Annoying Cubicle Neighbors at work who hum along to music they are listening to on their headphones
- Telemarketers
- Bloating
- When ice cream drips out of the bottom of a sugar cone
- The kind of car alarms that go off unstimulated and honk incessantly
- Sunburns
- People who say "So I says to them I says"
- Flying
- Muffin Tops
- When you can't tell if a baby is a boy or a girl
- Windy Days
- Wicked long voicemail messages that end up being for the point of just saying HI
- Opening a can of soda or a bottle of water, taking one sip and then leaving it there to go warm (I totally do that, drives my man NUTS!)
- When people say "let there be light!" when turning on a light switch
- Shopping Malls
- Store clerks that want to stack the receipt under my change. Hand me the money and coins separately so I can put it in my pocket, and then hand me the receipt or place it in the bag (I am talking to you Charlestown CVS!)
- Meterologists who lie about the weather. BOUCHARD YOU ARE DEAD TO ME!
- Blood Tests
- Loud talkers in the movie theater
- When you bend over to pick something up and miss the object multiple times, and the final attempt is a violent grab as if to say it was the object's fault
- Unforseen speed bumps
- The Taliban
- Gossipers and Judgers
- People who are eating something and say "Ewww try this it's disgusting!
- Slow left lane drivers
- Eavesdroppers at work. "I wasn't eavesdropping, but I overheard you say...." MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS YOU WERE TOO EAVESDROPPING!
- People who sit in front of you at sporting events with gigantic signs that block your view, just so they can get on TV
- People who respond to my emails two weeks later but don't include the text of the previous email in their email
- The dentist
- Co-workers who try to talk to you when you're in the toilet stall. Umm, I'm kind of in the middle of something here.....
- Healthy people who bitch about how there is too many or who take handicapped parking spaces
- Miley Cyrus
I feel better now.
Tuesday, April 14, 2009
What Your Hairstyles Say About You Whilst On Trial
Monday, April 13, 2009
Our Puppy!
Not sure which one is ours yet.....but one of these pups will be coming home with us in two weeks! This is the 'Pirate' litter I have been talking about. So much cuter than Obama's puppy. It's true.
Sunday, April 12, 2009

Happy Easter! Puppy WebCam Shot of the Day!
Friday, April 10, 2009
Daily Puppy Update - Adventures in Sleeping!
Happy Passover!
What better way to celebrate Passover but Japanese style?!?! WHO KNEW?!?! This is a very good tip on how to split Matzo perfectly.
I wonder how you say OY VAY in Japanese....
Thursday, April 9, 2009
Pirates, say Cheeeeeese!!

Real Housewives of New York Photo Recap
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
The Snoring Puppy
This is a pup that was born at the same breeder we are getting our pup from. And man, can this baby snore! Hope ours does too, because it's really cute. He/she can snore harmoniously with Dad, because he is really good at snoring too.
Tuesday, April 7, 2009
RHofNY Tonight!
Monday, April 6, 2009
Looks like we are going to be new parents come end of April. Except not to a human, to a puppy! After what seems like 100 years of discussion, we have decided to take the plunge and adopt. We found a woman who breeds the most amazing yellow labs ever. EVER. I will keep you posted, nothing is carved in stone just yet, but looks like this is FINALLY going to happen! I have to get the nursery ready......
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
The 5 Top Things Kelly Would Say To Bethenny. If She Were Made Of Wax.
Real Catfight of New York
Below I have done a photo recap of my fave catfight of the night, between Bethenny and Kelly. Bethenny remained as cool as the other side of the pillow, while Kelly flew into rages and reamined as incoherent and nonsensical as is humanly possible. I think she was on coke or was heavily doused in gin, I am not sure, but judging by what was coming out of her mouth in addition to the cashmere off the shoulder mini-dress she paired with pink rubber gardening boots, I think inebriation of some sort is her only excuse.
Here is my version of what happened, which I swear to you is pretty much what DID happen, except in my own words: