I had never really heard of 'The Edies' until recently, when excitement over the movie Drew Barrymore and Jessica Lange made for HBO started it's promotions and sparked my curiosity. So I wikipedia'd the Edie Beales, and then much to my happiness I found the original documentary (all 10 parts!) on youtube! Now, picture me jumping around my house with joy over this.....because these bitchessss issssss KA-RAZAAAAYYYYY!!!! And they are Jacqueline Kennedy's cousin and aunt respectively!! BLACK SHEEP! I love them, you'll see why, you kind of can't help it.
In this episode we are offered an inside look at their lives, including: an interesting explanation about Little Edie's 'costume' choice, discussion of a possible vegetable garden due to the cost of food, Mother Beale threatens to get naked and Little Edie expresses her fear in this possibility, they define their inability to wear girdles as a personal choice, and Little Edie announces she has to find a Libra husband.
Here is the link to Grey Gardens documentary Part 1.
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