I am so bored. My co-worker is in Puerto Rico for a badly needed vacation, leaving me alone and listless in my quiet corner of the building that houses me Monday-Friday from 8:30 to 5:00. Noone else seems to be here. Well, my boss is here, but she is in meetings all day. Since I am so bored I thought I would do a live work blog. A Wog , if you will, which requires me to go back and forth from Working to Blogging. Here goes:
1:48 p.m.
Devoured egg salad sandwich on wheat. Julio in the cafeteria never gives me enough egg salad, so all the salad was in the middle of the sandwich, leaving emptiness in the peripheral edges that made the whole sandwich experience disappointing and unenjoyable. Minor sandwich rage ensued.
1:52 p.m.
Boyfriend just phoned with the most delightful news. Turns out I don't have to walk home from work today after all! Leaving my efforts in bringing my Totes Umbrella in with me, pointless. Joy! Sandwich rage over upon learning of the positive turn my afternoon has taken.
1:57 p.m.
Received a text message from my best friend Lisa that simply read 'Satan'. After a minute or two of serious pondering over what vexed her enough to send that message, and since I know her so well, I determined that she ultimately was speaking of Drew Peterson, whom I like to refer to as "Henry the Ninth".
2:18 p.m.
Just had the most interesting convo with someone from Legal about how costly Comcast's services are. I don't know how we got on the subject, considering he is in Legal and I am in Med. Research. And come to think of it, he doesn't even work in this building. Well, regardless, I welcomed the visit and the nice chat. Am now feeling a bit of a chill due to excessive air conditioning, so considering going to the kitchen to make a sugar free hot cocoa.
2:23 p.m.
HORRORS. There is only regular hot cocoa and not sugar free hot cocoa in the kitchen! That screws up my entire program / itinerary for the afternoon of entertaining myself at work. What hot beverage can I consume that will satiate my craving for chocolate and warmth? I am going to sit quietly for a few minutes to determine my next move.....
2:25 p.m.
The only possible solution to this is to investigate other floors' supplies of sugar free hot cocoa. I can taste it on my lips, smell it under my nose, OH GODS OF SUGAR FREE HOT COCOA, ANSWER MY PRAYERS........
2:33 p.m.
The internal beverage struggle I've endured for the past several minutes is over. The floor above me had an overflowing supply of sugar free hot cocoa. yummmmm. Now am struggling listening to my cubicle neighbor hum along to the music she is listening to on her iPod. Which I can't hear, but it sounds as though she is listening to a song that has two notes in it, as those are the only ones she is singing. This is more infuriating than the egg salad sandwich I had an hour ago. This moment has completely spoiled the joy of my beverage.....
2:37 p.m.
Wow. It's been an hour since I started my Wog. Time has flown. I hope we are all having fun with this?
2:40 p.m.
Am craving a smore.
2:45 p.m.
Try to imagine the sound a cat makes when it's about to get into a fight. That low weird moaning sound you often hear in the middle of the night during summer? That's what my annoying humming cubicle neighbor sounds like.
2:50 p.m.
I am equating this afternoon to being on a long and boring flight, with nothing to read, and no movie because the AV system on the plane has broken. Which happened to me once.
Just. SO. BOREDDDD......
2:55 p.m.
I have decided to microwave my sugar free hot cocoa a bit and head downstairs for a snack. It's best if I walk away from incessant humming lest I become enraged again as I did with the sandwich debacle, and none of us want to see that again......
Please standby whilst I enjoy my snack and hot beverage.
3:20 p.m. I've returned from my snack retrieval mission. I was torn between the 100 calorie Chips Ahoy's and the Gummy Fruit Snacks that claimed they were made with real fruit juice. I gambled a bit and got the fruit snacks thinking they were the healthier option, only to discover that they too, were 100 calories. I should've gotten the cookies which would've paired much better with the cocoa. Stopped in the ladies room to wash and sanitize my hands (still fighting Swine Flu!) and overheard a woman having a discussion about 'putting the cells on ice'. She sounded smart. Also, I neglected to mention that I saw my fave security guard down at the vending machine. His name is Jim but I call him "Manifesto" behind his back, because his picture in our corporate directory looks like one of those pics Time or Newsweek publishes of people who have died in plane crashes. This is him, except, mind you, this photo of him is clearly from 25 years ago:
See what I mean....
3:40 p.m. Something strange is going on with my blog format. I can't get to the next line anymore w/o it skipping like three lines, so now have to just start writing on the same line as my reported time. I am sure you've noticed.
4:03 p.m. Less than 45 minutes to go. Oh, yes. Didn't I tell you? I am leaving 15 minutes early today. Got some work in. Emailed a caterer my signature. Hope she doesn't use it to authorize anything I didn't actually authorize.
4:18 p.m. Half hour to go! Then it's puppy play time at home / cleaning / laundry. Actually.....I don't want to clean or do laundry. Now my day of boredom is looking better than going home. Crap.
4:30 p.m. Last Wog entry. Am packing up and heading out. Boyfriend is going to be here soon and I still have to prepare my desk for Monday! A day in which I will not be ordering an egg salad sandwich!