Had to make a trip to Buffalo over the weekend for a Wedding, so what else does one do whilst in the Buff but go to Niagara Falls! We had our gorgeous puppy in tow, who was apparantely just as fascinating to the tourists there as the falls themselves were. She IS gorgeous. The 8th Wonder of the World, if you will.
There is an attraction at the falls called 'Cave of the Winds'. The Cave of the Winds trip takes you closer to the waters of Niagara Falls than you thought possible. You ride an elevator 175 feet deep into the Niagara Gorge. Then, clad in a bright yellow poncho and wearing the special footwear provided, you follow a series of ramps and foot bridges in, over and around the falls. As you stand at the railing, you are a mere 20 feet from the billowing torrents of Bridal Veil Falls. The rushing waters loom above you, dousing you with a generous spray as you face the thundering Falls head-on. With our little pup accompanying us only one could visit said 'cave', so, since Steve had already done it on a previous visit, that left me to do it. Solo. At first I wasn't at all nervous because they give you that sassy yellow poncho and some neat sandals, both required attire for the attraction. I was so into it. I love wardrobe changes! But then, I saw a sign that warned that people with respiratory problems, heart ailments, or the like should absolutely NOT do the tour. So that got me thinking.....do
I have respiratory problems? Is there a heart malfunction in
my in-the-next-twenty-minutes future? Since there was no sign warning people with ovarian cysts or skin cancers of danger on the tour, I decided my survivability was pretty good, and headed into the elevator via what looked like a charming little chapel. My adventures are as follows:
The adorable stone chapel-like building that holds the elevator down to the bottom. The sweet, unassuming charm of it did not set the appropriate tone for my adventure.
My outfit for the excursion. I am wearing a lightweight pair of state park issued sandals and a yellow poncho, paired with Chanel sunglasses to keep things classy. I am posing because I thought this COULD be the last photo taken of me alive so I wanted to make it adorbs.
My fellow Cave of the Wind-ers, whilst waiting for the elevator in what I called the chapel. They were Chinese, did not speak English and were considerably smaller than me, which struck an alarm in my head that perhaps I was too tall and made me question if this was in fact an actual cave. Nerves and prayers ensued.
Upon exiting the elevator, I am welcomed to a lovely site at the base of the falls. I am encouraged, because the lady in red and khaki who is approaching me looks as though she may have respiratory problems yet clearly survived the 'cave'.
Approaching the stairwell down to the base of the falls. Those little white dots on the rocks are thousands of seagulls squaking away as I notice the brittle little 2x4's a.k.a. TOOTHPICKS that are supporting the structure I am about to walk across. The chorus coming from the seagulls was an unpleasant screaching that sounded quite like "goooobaaaack!".
The observation tower, high high high above me. I imagine that this was a costly attraction in which to view the falls, and I question the structural integrity of this also. I deemed myself safer being closer to the ground.
Behold! The base of Bridal Veil Falls! Though very windy, I am unaware of how much more windy it will be as I continue on the toothpick supported structure. I continue my ascension to further saturation. So far respiratory system and heart feel good....
The 'Maid of the Mist', the boat that carries you to another series of falls. I only wish I am on this boat instead of the toothpicks because they were issued blue ponchos, which I much prefer to my yellow.
The higher I climb, the more saturated I become. I notice more 'toothpicks' supporting our walking planks and become further disdainful at its design.
At this point I have become quite wet and the wind has picked up considerably. The surface of the deck is slick, and I am thankful for my Niagara Falls issued sandals. Breathing is a little compromised due to excessive wind, challenging my respiratory health.....
An excellent view of the 'support' structures. I am wondering if I should call the Army Corps of Engineers, but realize I did not bring my cell phone.
My reservations to continue are high, as I suspect the structure is teaming with termites and collapse of support structure is imminent.
My hearing has been jeopardized at this point. The falls are all I can hear in addition to the screaming for Mommy in my head, but I feel a bit more encouraged as blondie in front of me has removed her poncho hood. I admire her audacity but do not follow suit.
TLC's "Don't Go Chasin' Waterfalls" is now in my head and as I reflect on the songs message, I realize that I might be walking to my death. (R.I.P. Left Eye!)
A self portrait. Had this been the Amazing Race, the producers at this point would have queued the music that symbolizes idiocy.
Well. This can't be good.
I go for it, and lean ever so sightly over the toothpick railing. I can assure you that the first self portrait was taken somewhat humorously, however, here, I am in sheer panic.
Ascension to what is known as as the "Hurricane Deck".
The wind is so powerful here that people are bracing themselves. My heart rate has increased quite a bit, and the sign I saw on my way down is haunting me more than Mrs. Muirs ghost.
I try to find a happy, peaceful place to focus on.....
.....and see people kissing on the Hurricane Deck. Clearly these people are in excellent respiratory health.
The bridge to Canada. I am questionning the structural integrity of everything within sight at this point.
The tunnel to the elevator which will take me back up to the surface of the earth. I am ALIVE. Please note the man at the end of the tunnel to the right, who clearly had reservations about embarking on the adventure that I survived only moments ago. I try not to make eye contact with him, as I am sure I look slightly terrorized. So for $11.00 I risked life and limb to get wet, be scared, and question my overall health. But I came out of it alive, and celebrated by buying a cute Niagara Falls magnet for my niece and nephew's fridge at home. A perfect end to a perfect adventure.
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