You did not misread that! You see, suspicions run high with my newest blog follower, so as #13 did not bode well with her, I promised to skip that and boost her up to #14. She is a diagnosed Triskaidekaphobic (the fear of the #13). I am actually even surprised that she wants to be any number close to 13 at all......she is ridiculously supersticious, for example, she:
- Considers seeing an ambulance as very unlucky unless she pinches her nose or holds her breath until she sees a black dog*
- Considers this a cure for a cough: takes a hair from the coughing person's head, puts it between two slices of buttered bread, and feeds it to a dog*
- Will not cut her fingernails on a Friday or Saturday*
- Screams when she drives past a McDonalds*
- Only cuts her hair on Good Friday, as she claims this fights off headaches for the remainder of the year*
- Will never, under any circumstances, look a Canadian person in the eye*
- Wears a spider in a walnut shell around her neck as a repellent to the plague, just in case*
- Wears her clothes inside out to bring good luck*
See what I mean?!?!?
Welcome #Firteen!!!!
*none of these things are true.....just having fun with this
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