So, I took my own advice this weekend regarding my arduous uphill battle against Swine Flu. So far I am winning! Swine Flu knows better than to mess with me and is sleeping with one eye open. I killed a bottle and a half of wine with my friend Jane on Saturday night, so I think that did the trick. Oh let's not forget the Fig Sangria I had when we went to our local Moroccan watering hole for a nightcap.
Yes I said Moroccan. I live in a predominately Irish Catholic town that is approximately one square mile and harbors three bars: two Irish pubs and a Moroccan joint. Not sure how the place snuck into Charlestown but it did and for that we are thankful, because I think the Fig Sangria killed all pending pig viruses that were considering a stay in my delicate system.
Once we were well satiated and up to our eye balls in red wine, we felt healthy enough to call it a night. And by healthy I mean borderline intoxicated. But it was for the good of all mankind! We were doing our part to fight the spread of Swine Flu!
I would also like to mention that it this point I would appreciate not dying of something with such an embarassing name. Swine Flu is not a glamorous sounding virus. If there WERE a virus that should ever cause me to meet my maker, I would prefer to have it be called the Harry Winston Flu or the Grace Kelly Flu. Just sayin'.
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