My Mom (who has requested I protect her anonymity so from now on we will refer to her as Mo) just got back from a fabulous trip to Rome . Mo knows Rome, and even though she has been before, Rome wouldn't be complete without trips to the Parthenon, The Colliseum, Museums, Cathedrals, and delightful rustic trattorias serving nothing but the best authentic Roman cuisine. If it weren't for a nasty tumble she took on a rogue cobblestone en route to the Trevi Fountain, it would've been the perfect trip, but alas, Mo came home with a spectacular Roman shiner, gladiator style! I personally think she looks cute, but I digress....
One day, after Mass with his papalness Benedict and several thousand other pilgrims, Mo decided to meander the streets of the area to check out the local color. Literally. Seeing all the Cardinals and Ben in his Pope-Mobile wasn't enough, there were unanswered questions, like, where do they shop, or DO they shop? Who creates those unbelievable garments? Such ornamentation on every cassock and vestment, embroidery in all hues, and richly decorated stoles, bell sleeves and hats. Where does a padre find these things?
Mo came across several boutiques where our Blessed friends actually shop. I have attached photos of the store fronts. The first and third photos are examples of such Ecclesiastical Tailoring shops. One word: FABBBBBULLLLOUSSSS! But wait a minute, why so bland for our Sister friends? I mean, why do the men get these ornate outfits and the women a blue apron, habit and trench coat? I understand that male clergy traditionally needed to separate themselves from the 'common' man, and in order to be heard, I mean REALLY heard, they needed to have a little eye catching sass. But that still doesn't answer my question as to the plainness of the Nuns vestments. Would a little gold embroidery somewhere hurt? They are married to God, but don't they want to look pretty for him? Don't they need to be heard?!? No one expects a nun to be a fashion plate. Nuns take an oath of poverty and sacrifice the possibility of a husband, children, sex and stylish clothes. This to prove their committment to the Pope and God. But don't the men clergy make the same committment? But they get to wear red and purple and black and the occasional gold lame with embroidery and fringe?!?! I don't get it!!
1 comment:
They are married to God, but don't they want to look pretty for him?
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