Thursday, November 6, 2008

My First Experience Redistributing My Wealth

It is with great sadness that in January we must say farewell to our little Scottish friends, Barney and Miss Beazley. They have served us well, providing us with appearances not only on the White House lawn, but in several critically acclaimed films including Barney Cam I (2002), Barney and Spot's (RIP Spotty, we will never forget you!) Winter Wonderland (2003), Barney Cam II (2003), Where in the White House is Miss Beazley? (Barney Cam III, 2004), Barney has found Miss Beazley (2005), Barney and Miss Beazley's Spring Garden Tour (2005), A Very Beazley Christmas (Barney Cam IV, 2005), and Barney's Holiday Extravaganza (Barney Cam V, 2006). I especially enjoyed these little Scotties so this Halloween, when they debuted in their carefully thought upon costumes, Barney as a Cowboy, and Miss Beazley as a Strawberry, the most delicious of all Republican fruits. I would be remiss if I didn't give a shout out to the Bush's black cat, India, a.k.a. Willie, who, might I add, chose to be a Wizard this Halloween.

Now, you are probably asking, 'What does that have to do with Redistribution of Wealth'?

Well let me tell you......

Tuesday night in Chicago, President-Elect Obama announced in his acceptance speech, "Sasha and Malia, I love you both so much, and you have earned the new puppy that's coming with us to the White House." Prior to the election, I had a dark gloomy cloud hovering over me as the thought of a White House without Barney and Miss Beazley seemed like a White House without love, without more joyful reunions on the front lawn after a helicopter landing?!?! The thought of it made me feel empty inside. So my sudden sense of optimism moved me to find out a little more about this pending new first pup. What breed would they consider? Golden Retriever? Chocolate Lab? Bulldog with lipstick? Well after many a sleepless night researching the Obama's intentions at adding four feet to their family, I discovered they will liberate a presidential pup from the Animal Rescue League!!!

Of which I am a FAITHFUL supporter, donating tens of dollars per year!!

So there, there is my first distribution of my wealth.

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