In a recent interview he did regarding his 'annus sixtius', he answered this when asked about his thoughts on resuming the throne once QE2 dies,
'It is all in the hands of the Good Lord as to whether I survive - or am vaguely compos mentis'.
COMPOS MENTIS!!! OMG LOL that is sssssssoooooooo PC (Prince Charles)!! For those of you who did not have Mrs. Kline for Latin, which I did, compos mentis means 'of sound mind'. It's so very royyyyyyyyyaallll to pop in latin words and phrases, and then expect hilariousness to ensue. I bet he and Camilla have full on convos in latin. I am sure she asks him "Why the long face?" in latin on an almost daily basis.
Now, what to give the man who has everything for his birthday? More latin phrases, of course!!! These are my suggestions for PC's random use in the future:
- Feles mala! cur cista non uteris? stramentum novum in ea posui!! - Bad kitty! Why don't you use the cat box? I put new litter in it!!
- Credo elvem etiam vivere - I believe Elvis lives
- Cum homine de cane debeo congredi - Excuse me. I've got to see a man about a dog
- Diabolus fecit, ut id facerem! - The devil made me do it!
- Qualem muleirculam! - What a bimbo!
- Fortunatus sum! Pila mea de gramine horrido modo in pratum lene recta volvit! - Isn't that lucky! My ball just rolled out of the rough and onto the fairway!
- Mater tua criceta fuit, et pater tuo redoluit bacarum sambucus - Your mother was a hamster and your father smelt of elderberries
- Orbes volantes exstare - Flying saucers are real
- Visne saltare? Viam Latam Fungosam scio - Do you want to dance? I know the Funky Broadway
- Veni, Vidi, Visa - I Came, I Saw, I Shopped
- Animadvertistine, ubicumque stes, fumum recta in faciem ferri? - (At a barbeque) Ever noticed how wherever you stand, the smoke goes right into your face?
- Catapultam habeo. Nisi pecuniam omnem mihi dabis, ad caput tuum saxum immane mittam - I have a catapult. Give me all your money, or I will fling an enormous rock at your head
- Interdum feror cupidine partium magnarum europe vincendarum - Sometimes I get this urge to conquer large parts of Europe
- Semper ubi sub ubi ubique - Always wear underwear everywhere
- Latine loqui coactus sum - I have this compulsion to speak Latin
There you have it, my gift to you. Happy Birthday, Prince Charles.
HABETIS BONA DEUM! (Have a nice day)!
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