Kinda like the Virgin Queen, Elizabeth the Somethingth, except without the scary wigs, outstandingly starchy huge lace collars and shaved eyebrows. Anyway, HELLO. I am a virgin blogger, as I have nevs done this before but I have so much to say about very important issues, like, what's going on on The Hills, or, how many times The Barefoot Contessa suggests we use the classic french technique, of which I am still not familiar with, mais je m'éloigne du sujet, or, is Kim from The Real Housewives of Atlanta really 29, and is that her real hair?!?! Importance, all issues of importance....
On my blog I shall be commenting on random events, news, television nonsense, things I wish I could buy but can't afford, cooking, common life events, not so common life events, the T, sports, decorating, friends, family, entertaining, adventures from a night on the town, gossip, etc etc you get the pic. I will be offering polls so you too, can be a participant in the world according to moi. I will be open to suggestions on anything in particular...if you have thoughts on something that you would like to hear about, fire away! I will do my research and give you the best damn blog evs.
On my blog I shall be commenting on random events, news, television nonsense, things I wish I could buy but can't afford, cooking, common life events, not so common life events, the T, sports, decorating, friends, family, entertaining, adventures from a night on the town, gossip, etc etc you get the pic. I will be offering polls so you too, can be a participant in the world according to moi. I will be open to suggestions on anything in particular...if you have thoughts on something that you would like to hear about, fire away! I will do my research and give you the best damn blog evs.
Winter is coming people! That means more indoor time for all of us, unless you are Sarah Palin. Winter is that magical time of year that gives me ample amount of time to sit and creatively share my thoughts on total randomness, and plenty of time for you to cuddle up with your cat, or gin and tonic and read all about it.
I hope you enjoy it and I hope I get a huge cult following from all of this. I am serious!!! It could happen.........
I am so sorry your bff Sarah lost the election, but I still think you are both totally Mavericky. Good luck with the blog.
I'm so glad that in a time of great uncertainty you've chosen to try and shed some light on a few of our nation's most important issues. #1. Kim cannot be 29. #2 She's the first person I've ever seen attach extensions to a wig. Thank goodness she can sing.
this is fabulous jojo-i WILL read religiously. i am confident your words of wisdom will only help make me more knowledgeable, cultured and overall well-rounded. cheers to you!
If ANYONE should keep a blog, it is most certainly you. I look forward to reading along!! Welcome to the blogosphere!!
You can find me here:
soooo, are you not gonna blog about OPP and Facebook? WTF
your first entries are brilliant. can't wait for the next. Well thought out and intelligent, Mrs. Burrows would be proud.
This is the first blog I have ever read much less responded to. Turns out the internet is not, in fact, an instrument of the Devil at all! You are a hoot and I am quite enjoying the world according to you.
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