Monday, August 17, 2009

I'm Back from my Back!

Apologies for my absence. I was on vacation several weeks ago and got into a nasty Go-Cart accident and have been recovering from a back injury sustained in said Go-Cart. It's embarassing that that is the vessel in which I hurt myself. I wish it could be a skydiving accident, or surfing, or something cool like that that has kept me away from my precious blog, however, it was a Go-Cart. And, tomorrow I go in for my skin cancer surgery so I will have lots of time to blog fun things, including my procedure, so you have that to look forward to YAYYYYY!!!! Now, onto my blog of the day:

TLC has had enough of Jon Gosselin's antics with the constant garbing of the Ed Harby T-shirts. Realizing that the Ed Hardy company is paying Jon to don the shirts on his show "Jon & Kate Plus 8" for free advertising, TLC had decided to blur the shirts out entirely.

It appears Kate's getting lots more TLC from TLC than Jon is.


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