Thursday, July 23, 2009

Why? Why do this?

Marty S. (I have changed her'll know exactly who I am talking about as you continue reading) has truly lost her mind with this one. Below you will find a recipe for "S'mores Squares", a traditional and delightful campfire snack that usually takes about 30 seconds to prepare, however, Marty has somehow managed to create a S'mores recipe that requires a full 24 hour preparation. And it only makes 9 pieces! Bitch is outta her comments in red.

Hmmm. They do look like a Good Thing.

(Makes 9)
Vegetable oil, for brushing
4 packages unflavored gelatin
3 1/4 cups granulated sugar
1 1/4 cups light corn syrup
1/4 teaspoon salt
2 teaspoons pure vanilla extract
1 1/2 cups confectioners' sugar
7 tablespoons unsalted butter, melted, plus 6 tablespoons room temperature, plus more for pan
so now you have to wait for some of the butter to get to room temp. that takes about 6 hours.
14 graham crackers, crushed to yield 1 1/2 cups crumbs
an annoying process, crushing graham crackers. i have done it and it's not that easy believe it or not
12 ounces semisweet chocolate, chopped into 1/2-inch pieces
of course they have to be in 1/2" pieces. cut them into 1/4" 0r 3/4" pieces and the whole thing is ruined, RUINED I TELL YOU.

-Brush a 9-by-13-inch glass baking dish with vegetable oil. Cut a piece of parchment or wax paper large enough to cover the bottom of the dish and to overhang the longer sides. Place the parchment in dish, brush with oil, and set dish aside.
-Pour 3/4 cup cold water in the bowl of an electric mixer, and sprinkle gelatin on top. Let stand 5 minutes.
-Place 3 cups granulated sugar, corn syrup, salt, and 3/4 cup water in a medium saucepan. Set saucepan over high heat, and bring to a boil. Insert a candy thermometer, and cook until mixture reaches soft-ball stage (238 degrees, about 9 minutes).
JFC. (for those who don't know what JFC is, it is a very bad thing to say, for example, you would never say it to a Priest. It has to do with he who was born on Christmas Eve and then instead of his real middle name, which I believe is Horatio, you add the 'F' word.) So there, JFC MARTY, ARE YOU KIDDING ME?!? 238 degrees!?!? REALLY? 9 MINUTES??? Not 10? JFC.
-Using the whisk attachment, beat hot syrup into gelatin on low speed. Gradually increasing speed to high, beat until mixture is very stiff, about 12 minutes. 12 minutes. TWELVE Beat in vanilla. Pour mixture into the prepared baking dish, and smooth the surface with an offset spatula. I don't have an offset spatula. I have a spatula spatula! Set dish aside, uncovered, until marshmallow becomes firm, at least 3 hours or overnight. insert Final Jeopardy song here. i would opt for overnight, as so far I have waited for the butter to come to room temp, and if I were making this, it's probably 9:00 at night now
-Place 1 cup confectioners’ sugar in a fine strainer a 'fine' strainer. a 'fine' one. gimmeabreak, and sift onto a clean work surface. and this is where I would stop everything to clean my worksurface Invert large marshmallow onto the sugar-coated surface, and peel off the parchment paper. Lightly brush a sharp knife with vegetable oil, and cut marshmallow into 2-inch squares. Sift remaining 1/2 cup confectioners’ sugar into a small bowl, and roll marshmallows in sugar to coat. Set aside. you know she wanted to add something like "set aside for 13 minutes and 42 seconds"
-Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Brush a 9-inch-square baking pan with melted butter. In a large bowl, combine graham-cracker crumbs, 7 tablespoons melted butter, and remaining 1/4 cup granulated sugar. Using your hands, press mixture firmly into the prepared pan. Transfer pan to oven, and bake until the crust has set, 15 to 18 minutes. Remove pan from oven, and transfer to a wire rack to cool.
-Bring a medium saucepan of water to a simmer. In a medium heat-proof bowl, combine chocolate with remaining 6 tablespoons butter. Set the bowl over the simmering water, and stir until chocolate and butter have melted. Pour chocolate mixture over cooled graham-cracker crust. Using an offset spatula (note to self: ask for an offset spatula for your birthday), spread chocolate mixture into an even layer. Transfer to refrigerator, and chill until firm, about 30 minutes.
-Preheat the broiler. Cut chocolate crust into nine 3-inch squares. Top each square with a marshmallow, and place assembled s’mores under the broiler just until marshmallows turn golden brown, about 20 seconds. Serve immediately.
So all that work for 9 s'mores squares.
Buy Marshmallows
Buy Graham Crackers
Buy Hershey Bars
Place Marshmallow on top of Graham Cracker and put in microwave. No plate needed. Microwave on high for 20 seconds. In the meantime, place three Hershey segments onto another Graham Cracker. When the microwave goes "DING!" marry the two sides. Pop in mouth and gobble down. But do so quietly so boyfriend in living room doesn't know what you are doing. Repeat process at least two more times. Deny ever making s'mores if boyfriend asks.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

The Queen Counts Her Swans

I have been living a non-eventful life as of late. And non-eventful things have occured in the world as well, leaving me uninspired for things to share with you. But today, as I sat at my desk quietly pondering life and eating peanut M&M's, I received an email from my Mom who asked if I saw the Queen at the 'Swan Upping' in England. Well, as I had never heard of it, I had to do my research and it is so delightfully boring I had to share it with you!
A Swan Upping is a tradition in England dating back to the 12th Century. I don't know a thing about Swans.....I consider all Swans to be female, for example. So what I learned about this is that it is for Ceremonial purposes now, but back then it was for more practical reasons, as the Swans belonged to the Monarch, and said Swans were considered a delicacy. So in order to protect his (it was probably a King back then, only a dude would conjure up something so ridiculous, like Golf) Swanstock, a group of men called 'Uppers' would capture them, nick their beaks, and then re-release them for future use in feasts. Gross. Today, the Upping lasts one week and is strictly for Ceremony, however, the Swans are still marked with rings around their little swan ankles. Now onto the photo recap of and Queen Elizabeth's thoughts on Upping swans:
"So let me get this straight. You're my Uppers? The Queen of England's Uppers! Have you met the King of Pop's Downers? Hahahaaaa!!!! Eh hem."

"Lemme tell you a somethin about the Uppahs. They are as thick as thieves and they stick togethah to the end..."

"This is what Regal Boredom looks like whilst adrift."

"Oh look. The Swan has reentered it's atmosphere"

"WhyEVER did Helen Mirren want to make a movie about my life."

"I hear they taste quite like chicken"

"And what do you do the remaining 51 weeks of the year?"

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Harry Potter SPOILER ALERT!! Do NOT read, this contains a 'spoiler'.....

.....and you might just kill yourself if you continue reading, as did 32 year old Jude Ralston of Ohio after hearing a plot spoiler in his local mall. So stop reading now unless you want the latest Harry Potter film spoiled!

Stop if you don't want to know, I'm serious.

If you are still reading this you want to know the rest of the story.

You really want to know, huh? Wow.... are SICK!!!

Okay, here goes (I muted out the spoiler in this pic, in the event you are still unsure of continuing on with this.....there is still time to go back but this is your LAST WARNING):

A rabid Harry Potter fan took his life yesterday after inadvertently learning a plot spoiler from the soon-to-be-released J.K. Rowling movie, Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince.
Jude Ralston, 32, of Hudson, Ohio left a suicide note indicating that since overhearing the plot spoiler at a shopping mall earlier in the day, “I no longer have a reason to live.”
Family and friends who gathered for a candlelight memorial outside Mr. Ralston’s house remembered a man who seemed to live only for Harry Potter - and wondered if they could have done anything to prevent his tragic fate.
“When Jude got that vanity license plate that said ‘Hogwarts,’ that seemed harmless enough,” said Polly Clovis, who attended Model U.N. with Mr. Ralston while the two were in high school. “But when he started wearing that wizard hat around town, we really should have seen that as a cry for help.”
According to friends of Mr. Ralston, the Potter fanatic had done everything in his power to protect himself from stumbling across Potter plot spoilers, even disconnecting his computer from the Internet and avoiding his favorite vintage comic book store.
Ms. Clovis said that she hoped Mr. Ralston’s death would cause federal authorities to tighten the flow of Harry Potter plot information to prevent similar tragedies from taking place.
“In my heart I believe that could have saved Jude’s life, even if he didn’t have one,” she said.

Eh hem. Let me clear my throat for a sec and try to wipe away the smile I am fighting. There. I am sorry to hear this, but I firmly believe that there were many underlying issues surrounding this suicide besides Dumbledore's untimely death in the book. And if this guy was such a 'rabid' fan, how did he not know the ending? Did he not read the books? The books are the BEST!

What a way to find out. This billboard better not tell me what happens at the end of 'Titanic', or I'll be PISSED.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Marlboro Man

Jon Gosselin is proving to be douche-ier than I thought. This is a picture of him having a smoke break in St. Tropez with his new 22 year old girlfriend, Hailey Glassman. Hailey is the daughter of the plastic surgeon who performed Kate's tummy tuck a few years ago. Remember them? Dr. Glassman offered this service for free, and even let Kate recuperate in his house for a week while his wife looked after her. And now their daughter is dating her husband. OUCH.

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Michael Jackson, Keyboard Cat!

This is so funny......wait until second :33. So random and awesome, by far the best Michael Jackson tribute I have seen yet.

Tuesday, July 7, 2009

Michael Jackson's Funeral LIVE BLOG!

1:20 p.m. EST
The Memorial Service at the Staples Center in LA is underway. I'm watching it live on So far it is pretty boring. I guess Smokey Robinson and Diana Ross opened the service with some remarks, however I just tuned in and missed that part. But now......nothing. People are just sitting in the theater. And Brian Williams is struggling to keep things interesting for the viewers watching on TV. It's painful. He looks like this:

So. Here we are. At the Staples Center. Anyone want to say anything about Michael? OMG am dying. WTF is going on? First Smokey, then Diana, now....nothing. Did I mention we are live? At the Staples Center? Doesn't Kobe Bryant play here?

1:37 p.m. EST

The Brothers Jackson wheel Michael in, wearing sunglasses, black suits, yellow ties & each with one silver glove.....

..... I heard the casket cost $25,000.

P.S. I don't think he's in it.

1:42 p.m. EST Mariah Carey and some dude are singing "I'll Be There". It's very pretty. Mariah sounds a lot like Michael when he was 11.

Why is she always doing that thing with her hand?

1:49 p.m. EST
Queen Latifah is reading a poem by Maya Angelou called "We Had Him". It's really lovely.

1:52 p.m. EST

Lionel Richie just came out to sing!!! I luuuvvvvv Lionel. Dancin' on the Ceiling, OH SING IT LIONEL!!! Oh wait, no, it's some gospel song.

I store nuts in my cheeks.

1:59p.m. EST
A lovely eulogy by someone from the Motown industry. Didn't catch his name, but I did catch this brief shot of the Brothers Jackson. In the event you didn't believe me when I described their wardrobe selectch.......



A video montage of Michael throughout his life. I am crying. Didn't know I would have such a reaction. Now Stevie Wonder is speaking and about to sing. This is gonna be GOOD. Where are those tissues........

2:11p.m. EST

Stevie. You can hear a pin drop, both at the Staples Center and my office. I think everyone is watching....

2:18p.m. EST

Kobe Bryant and Magic Johnson. Kobe unselfishly talked about Michael's charitable contributions, while Magic talked about Kentucky Fried Chicken.


Jennifer Hudson is singing "Will You Be There" from the Free Willy soundtrack. I really like this song. And I did NOT know J Hud was preggers?!?!

2:32p.m. EST

Al Sharpton. This will cross boundries unnecessarily.

I loooove the sound of my own voice. Ob-AHMa!

2:36p.m. EST
John Mayer doing an acoustical version of one of MJ's songs. It's pretty awesome. Even though he's not singing he's still managing one of his ugly faces.


Brooke Shields, MJ's BFF. She speaks of their natural and easy friendship as kids. She is boing, yet I am touched.

2:55p.m. EST

Martin Luther Kings children speak about legacies. But I can't help but be distracted by the tempting video on the lower left corner that's titled "Where's Jackson's chimp Bubbles?"

3:02p.m. EST

A Congresswoman from Texas speaks of how EVERYONE is innocent until proven guilty. I am not sure why, but then I am of reminded of the sleezy Congressman who committed political suicide by naming Jackson a pedophile a few days ago. And then she saluted him on behalf of the United States Congress. SAH-NNAPP!!!

3:09p.m. EST

Usher is singing. Is it bad that I am over this??? When is this thing gonna end.

3:19p.m. EST

A little British boy named Shaheen, who was supposed to tour with MJ. They gave him the honor of singing a solo at his funeral. WOWSAHS.

3:30p.m. EST

A whole ensemble of folks came out to sing "We Are The World" transitioning into "Heal The World", and shockingly, Michael's children are exuberantly singing on stage with everyone else! Good sports, I guess.

All in all, quite a production. I enjoyed it. I wouldn't sit through it again, but I enjoyed it!

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Can I get a Hallelujah?!? And a side of grits....

My friends Matt & Jane invited me to the House of Blues this past Sunday, where we enjoyed the 'Gospel Brunch'. It is the only place where your soul can be served grits with a nice juicy side of Jesus. My adventures at Gospel Brunch as follows:

At the ticket window. The tickets were somewhere in the area of $40. I guess Jesus ain't payin for this brunch himself, so I agreed to the cost.
Outside of House of Blues / Fenway Park. The trucks belong to the crew who were breaking down from John Henry's wedding the night before. His wedding to a 30 year old. He is 60. Eww.

A fascinating display of hand painted jazz shoes nestled together on the ceiling of the vestibule. The sassiness of it all exceeds what I expected and am even more excited than ever to enter the Music Hall.

The sign outside of the Music Hall, as we waited with salivating mouths and evils to repent from. It reads:
"Moshing, Crowd Surfing, Head Walking and Stage diving leads to injury for yourself and of those around you, please DO NOT engage in these activities. You are subject to EJECTION if you mosh, crown surf, head walk or stage dive. Thank you for your cooperation."
Upon reading this sign, I must check myself......this is BRUNCH, right?!?!

Grits. I do not partake.

My plate. What I selected is as follows:
12:00 ~ biscuits and chicken gravy (hi y'all!)
1:00 ~ cocktail sauce for shrimp at 3:00
2:00 ~ jambalaya (and it ain't Zataran's!)
3:00 ~ shrimp. to go with the cocktail sauce I have placed at 1:00. I realize it is sloppy of me to have separated the sauce and the shrimp by the jambalaya. I too, am irked.
4:00 & 5:00 ~ Waffle, with maple butter and maple syrup. Yes I am aware of how dangerously close the shrimp is to my waffle.
6:00 & 7:00 ~ scrambled eggs
8:00 & 9:00 ~ a mouthwatering sampling of melons
10:00 & 11:00 ~ a sassy rendition of home fried potatoes
My fellow diners in the Music Hall as we wait for the Gospel Choir to start their performance. Right in the middle of this photo is a little man, wearing a white t-shirt, bandana, and he's walking. He was sitting at our table, and we think he was famous. Since we couldn't figure out who he was, we referred to him as "Little Itty Bitty Famous Guy."

A desparate attempt by Jane to photograph Little Itty Bitty Famous Guy, under the disguise of photographing me sampling my bloody mary. You can barely make him out....

It begins.

The emcee, who jumped off stage and for some reason shoved the microphone under Jane's nose, encouraging her to yell 'HALLELUJAH'. You can't see Jane, but you can see her cheek, and she is clearly red with embarassement. I could not be more pleased with this turn of events.

Jane and I. Jane is still clearly in shock after being victimized by the HALLELUJAH lady.

Ahhh.... the Temple Worshippers! They begin!! Praise JESUS.

Not a clear image of my two fave choir ladies. One is tiny and the other is large. And MAN could they sing.

Matt. Feeling 'his praise'. It is at this point that I begin to question why I was raised in the Protestant Episcopalian church. Cuz this is WAY. MORE. FUN.

My girls again. I imagine they are named Celice and Nila.

The Choir Director. She was awesome.

They pulled all the people who were celebrating birthdays up on stage. These folks were required to do a dance and shake it. In front of everybody. I am just thanking God that it isn't Jane's birthday. She would die.