Friday, September 11, 2009

Gaybor Day in Ptown

After a few rum cocktails and glasses of wine, my friend Jane and I decided to do something we both have always wanted to do....take the ferry from Boston to Provincetown. Considering it was Labor Day, we simply had to take the opportunity right then and there to go, as most everything in Ptown shuts down after summer holiday officially ends. Not only is Ptown infamous for it's free spirited Gay community, but, in 1620 the Pilgrims landed in Provincetown and signed the Mayflower Compact there, more proof that freedom has been ringin' there for 389 fabulous years. Now, onto our adventures:

Checking in at the Ferry. Jane auspiciously eyes the model of a whale, in hopes that she finally gets to see one for real during our journey over. You see, Jane thinks whales are make-believe.
Our ferry, the 'Salacia'. We spent an awful lot of time pronouncing it "Sah-laayyy-she-aaaaa" much how I imagine James Lipton would say it. It is here, as we docked the ship, that we referenced many a line from 'Titanic' and heard our first 'fairy' joke from a lovely and flamboyant man. It went like this:

US: Oh look there's the ferry!

HIM: Who are you calling a FAIRY!?!?

To be honest I was wondering how long it would be before I heard one of my fellow passengers reference a fairy joke.
Once snuggly seated in First Class safely away from the poor people in steerage where I 'hear the accomodations are quite nice', Jane and I hit the bottle. Me a margarita, Jane a Rum and Diet Coke.
The bartender was a mean grumpy tough looking chick who hated us. I imagined her name was Denise, Jane imagined her name was Tania, with an 'i'. But we were too scared to ask her, she was that mean. And she made a mean drink too, WOW were these stiff!
A sad, pathetic shot of Jane, patiently awaiting with dire hope for a possible whale sighting, of which quite tragically there were none.
And as the Pilgrims did in 1620, we did in 2009; hit the boardwalk and headed to a bar.
This woman smelled unbelievably horrible but had lovely hair.

Jane with another model of a whale. She is giving the "OK" sign, as if to insinuate that whales are mythical creatures.

Cuteness and fun and pride everywhere as we start our adventure down the main drag.....

...and speaking of drag, we came upon this lovely street performer.

I imagined this man is an artist who smokes a ridiculous amount of pot and was really pissed he wasn't able to make the trip out to Burning Man this year.

After several cocktails (Jane=Mojito, Me=Margarita), we started to point out our flaws to each other. Jane thinks her forehead is a wrinkly mess making me wonder if she has Forehead Dismorphic Issues.

And so I had to photograph my flaw. My scar. Holla! The good news is, these are our only flaws. We are otherwise completely perfect in everyway.

After two cocktails each, we hit the boutiques. Ptown has FAB boutiques, including this store that sold wonderul beaded accessories. Here I am signing my bill. An ordinary photo, yes?

WRONG! Look at the size of that pen!!!

It's not what it SAYS on the onesie. It's the SIZE of the onesie that I find disconcerting. A 4 year old could fit into this, and if the two Moms are still putting their 4 year old in a onesie, well, that's just bad parenting and this child should re-think his love.

A super funny coaster, it had a black and white photo of a man on a tractor and it read:
"and here's the guy who drives the tractor that pulls the combine that harvests the grain that makes the alcohol that destroys my liver."

Naughty sex shop. Have to go in.

Now, I missed Pearl Harbor when I was in Hawaii but I did make it to the Vibrator Muesum in Ptown. This is a very very very very very old vibrator. Sad to think about all the old cookies who used to go to TOWN with this thing are dead and gone.
And a young cookie with a new vibrator. My face is saying so many things, so, so, SO many things....

Love this. My friends in college called me 'JoMama' and then it eventually just got abbreviated to 'Mama', which is a weird nickname, I know.

The fun junk store that sells wonderful but useless things!

The moon rising. This pic came out crappy, but Jane and I know how GLORIOUS the glow and the size of the moon was. Glorious I tell you...

On the ferry ride home I fell in love with a gorgeous man sitting in front of me. Unfortunately he does not like the ladies. But oh was he handsome. Jane and I had fun trying to figure out his story by peering over his shoulder and reading his email as he worked on his laptop. I found out his name was Nick. I found out more too via the magic of google but I will spare that as it's not cool to admit you cyberstalk people.
As we deboarded the ferry and disembarked back into the city and our lives, I saw Nick walking home with his gorgeous self and his dog, who might I add, hated me. This was the only image I could capture.

I cannot wait to go back to Provincetown next summer. It is a wonderful little village, full of cafes, boutiques, galleries and street artists. And it's charm just takes your breath away. Can't wait until my next excursion on the Salacia. Hopefully Nick will be sailing with me.........

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