Wednesday, June 10, 2009

New Update on My Soon To Be New Face

So, as most of you know, I have a lovely skin cancer on my face that is enorms and has to be savagely cut out of before it takes over completely. It is at this point in my blog that I would like to remind you all of the importance of wearing sunblock. WEAR IT DAMMIT!!! I always did and looked what happened to me. And at such a tender age, shame shame shame.

I met with the surgeon yesterday (whose name BTW is Jessica) so she could give me the lowdown on what is going to happen. Everything she told me I had already learned via the magic of Google. Which I suggest you never do or else you will FREAK THE F OUT. It was stupid of me but I was curious. So, I am having what is called MOHS Surgery. Reminder, do not Google it. Just trust me.

So as Jessie and I sat together, going over all the scenarios, good and bad, it is then that she dropped the biggest bomb of all. One I never expected Jessie to hit me with.


Everything I stand for, everything I represent, everything that is MOI, is surrounded by my exceptional ability to eat, drink and speak. And smiling and laughing? It is impossible for me not to do those things.

I have decided that during that silent and emotionless week of August 3 that I will be blogging to you, everyday, all day. What else is there for me to do? So I ask you to start sending me suggestions of things you would like to read about. I will compile my list and therefore have something to look foward to as I recover from monster to madame in my silent dark and lonely cave.

: ( That's a frown. Something I will not be able to do August 3- August 10.

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