Monday, March 2, 2009

Belly Ring

I understand that most men would like to provide their girlfriend with a memorable marriage proposal, since it is (hopefully) the one time in their life they have to be 100% completely and utterly smarmy smarmykin embarassingly romantic. And they hope (hopefully) that she will say YES with tears and hugs and kisses, NOT a trip to the Emergency Room and a bag of prunes and high fiber cereal. Questions? Well read on......

Reed Harris, of New Mexico decided to propose using the hide-the-ring-in-a-beverage game. So, after finishing up a LDS Course (Latter Day Saints.....Mormons) he took her to Wendy's and ordered a Frosty (a milkshake), and plopped the ring in it. See now, Mormon's don't take libations. Mormon's don't drink bubbly, clear and delicious champagne, like we do. And they should, considering that it is the premier see-through beverage of choice whilst providing your betrothed with a deadly choking hazard.

Anyway, Reed and his beloved, a girl named Kaitlin Whipple, are at Wendy's, with a group of friends (who were in on the proposal, hoping to catch the proposal on their cell phone's video feature), drinking milkshakes and having the time of their lives, apparantely. Reed plants the ring in Kaitlin's milkshake, and she proceeds to join in on a milkshake-drinking contest with her girlfriends, who were so completely excited for her to find the ring they thought it to be a great idea to see who could drink the milkshake the fastest, so that Kaitlin would find her ring faster.

Okay now do NOT take me to Wendy's to propose, do NOT ask a bunch of jerky half wits to come along, and do NOT EVER allow me to participate in a milkshake drinking contest.

But it gets worse.

The ultra competitive Kaitlin grabbed a spoon and shoveled the milkshake in, firmly counting on a personal victory. Ummm gross. Unfortunately, in the heat of the moment, she swallowed the ring. Whole.
“I felt nothing at all,” she told Matt Lauer. “I was racing my friends, so there was no way I was going to lose that competition.”

To which Matt Lauer replied "Ohhh Kaitlin.....oink!!"

Well maybe he didn't say that. Reed Harris continued to tell Matt that he frantically started searching everyone's cups but did not find the ring. He had to come clean to Kaitlin about what was supposed to happen and then what really happened.

“I thought he was joking,” she told Lauer. “I couldn’t believe that I swallowed the ring. I kept waiting for him to get down and propose.”
So instead of rejoicing and toasting to a new engagement at the local Wendy's, the couple were off to the hospital for what I am sure was an unpleasant exam and an Xray. When the Xray tech presented the couple with the image of the ring inside of Kaitlin's belly, reality had set in. But Reed made lemons out of lemonade, and holding the Xray, got down on one knee and officially proposed to Kaitlin, who enthusiastically accepted.

The next day, Kaitlin posted a pic of herself on her blog holding her Xray, a bag of prunes, and a high-fiber breakfast cereal. Her friends reassured her by saying "This too shall pass". I kid you not. Kaitlin reported on her blog that the "Good new is that we got another x-ray and its moved quite a bit and is about to enter my large intestine. So my estimated arrival date is tomorrow afternoon. Lets just hope and pray!"

On Thursday, she had happy news to report on her blog: “It arrived this morning and I have never been so excited about my bodily functions. Haha. It’s so beautiful and I love it. It was definitely well worth the wait.”

It 'arrived'. HORRIFYINGLY, but it arrived, girlfriend got her ring and let's hope learned a very valuable lesson.

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