Friday, March 20, 2009

John Adams + Stouffer's Pizza = Best Friday Night Ever

Wow!! When did this happen to me? I used to be such a social butterfly, and the thought of staying in on a Friday night was one I never considered in my younger years. If I was bleeding out of my eyeballs I would still manage to go out. However, I am no longer that young, and my idea of a great Friday night now is to pop in my DVD of the John Adams series I received from Netflix today, eat a Stouffer's French Bread Pizza (and yes, I burned the roof of my mouth eating it.....will I ever learn?), and wrap myself up in a blanket on our huge couch. All that is missing is Twizzlers, but I suppose I will survive.

This John Adams series that aired on HBO is truly incredible. It's based on the book by David McCullough and I demand that you rent it immediately. Paul Giammatti is John Adams, Laura Linney is Abigail Adams, and Tom Wilkinson is Benjamin Franklin, and I swear to you they have me convinced they are the real thing. I am relearning all the history I learned as a youngster, while also learning new things as the series goes along. Here are some examples of what I have learned:

  • George Washington was 6'3" and had a sister named Betty!

  • Thomas Jefferson invented the swivel chair

  • Benjamin Franklin was hilarious

  • John Adams was brilliant but kind of a dick to his kids

  • Samuel Adams was a total rebel and rather scary

  • They did actually tar and feather people

I will keep you posted with all of the other imperative notes of this time in history, but must keep watching.....

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